How to configure Voicemail?

Learn how to add voicemail to Inbound services using SecureCo Inbound Management Studio (SIMS)

Voicemail can be added to Simple, Advanced, Interactive and Enterprise Inbound service types. 


Step 1. 

Navigate to the service you wish to add voicemail and enable Voicemail. 


Step 2. 

Select the audio to be played to the caller when they connect to the voicemail. 

SIMS includes pre-recorded audio for most situations. You may also upload additional audio files.


Step 3.

Select whether email delivery is required for any voicemails left, if yes, enter the email address in the field. Additional email addresses can be entered by selecting + ADD.

Step 4.

Select whether online playback is required. If so, any voicemails left will be available within the Media section under Voicemails 

Step 5.

Set a time for the deletion of the voicemails, between 1 month and 7 years.