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Does the Intelligent Voice Platform support multi-carrier redundancy?

Learn how the Intelligent Voice Platform supports the concept of multi-carrier redundancy and how to use it as part of your solution to deliver enhanced resiliency for incoming calls


The Intelligent Voice Platform allows partners and customers to build solutions that utilize telephone numbers from multiple carriers, support the concept "multi carrier" redundancy that can provide additional resiliency so that incoming calls are still available even during an outage on one of the carriers.

There are 2 options available for creating multi carrier solutions:

  1. Using SecureCo Carriage where Multi Carrier Redundancy is available
  2. Using SecureCo Carriage + a Customer Provided BYOC Carrier

Where does SecureCo Carriage support Multi Carrier Redundancy?

Australia is currently the only country where SecureCo Carriage is able to provide number ranges for incoming calls via multiple carriers for full "multi carrier" redundancy.

Note: Even in Countries where SecureCo doesn't offer "Multi Carrier" Redundancy as optional enhanced resiliency for incoming calls, SecureCo has multiple options available to route outbound calls and failover as required in all IVP regions globally.

How Can I implement Multi Carrier Redundancy using Option 1 - SecureCo Carriage?

Implementing Multi Carrier Redundancy using SecureCo Carriage relies on the solution using multiple telephone numbers or telephone number ranges that are split between both of SecureCo's carriers, known as "Carrier A" and "Carrier B" in supported countries. 

For Example:

There is a requirement for a SIP Trunking solution with SecureCo Carriage based "multi carrier" redundancy, which is implemented by the following bill of Materials:

  • 1 x SIP Trunk with 100 Channels 
  • 2 x 100 Number Ranges
    • 1 x 100 Number Range from "Carrier A"
    • 1 x 100 Number Range from "Carrier B"

During the Ordering process, you can specifically request the desired split of number ranges between Carrier A and B for both new numbers and if existing numbers are being ported to SecureCo.

Note: Once Assigned, the Number Ranges will become visible in the IVP Portal showing as either Carrier A or Carrier B so that they can be clearly identified.

How Can I Implement Multi Carrier Redundancy using Option 2 - SecureCo Carriage + BYOC?

Implementing a Solution using both SecureCo Carriage and Customer provided BYOC relies on using a combination of numbers ported to or provided by SecureCo, along with connecting another Carrier SIP Trunk to the IVP via our "Bring Your Own Carrier" option.

For Example:

There is a requirement for a SIP Trunking solution in a region where:

  1. "Multi Carrier" Redundancy is not available via SecureCo Carriage
  2. Customers want to use SecureCo + Another Carrier of their Choice

This requires the following Bill of Materials:

  • 1 x SIP Trunk with 100 Channels (SecureCo)
  • 1 x SecureCo Carriage 100 Number Range (SecureCo)
  • 1 x BYOC SIP Trunk Integration (SecureCo)
  • Optional Physical BYOC Connection if required:
    • Cloud Connect via Megaport / Equinix Cloud Exchange or;
    • Physical Interconect (SecureCo Ethernet Port for Cross Connect to Plug Into)
  • 1 x Third Party Carrier SIP Trunk (Customer / Partner)
  • 1 x Third Party Carrier Provided 100 Number Range (Customer / Partner)

Once the BYOC numbers are loaded into the IVP and the Third Party SIP Trunk is integrated with IVP, both sets of numbers are associated with the SIP Trunk to create "multi carrier" redundancy.